I had one of my best friends post something on here Facebook status that hit me hard. It said, "EVERY woman deserves a man who calls her baby, kisses her like he means it, holds her tight like he never wants to let go, wipes her tears when she cries, doesn’t make her jealous of other women, instead makes other women jealous of her, is not scared to let his friends know how he really feels about her, and lets her know how much he really loves her..."
When I read her status it evoked emotions in me I didn't want to express. I got weepy and wanted to hold my head in my hands. I could feel the ache crawl up my body and into my core. All I could think was, "There are no men out there like that."
Wow. How sad. How horribly sad that I don't think there is a man out there that would be and do that for me. But it's true. How did I get so incredibly cynical? How is it, that the first reaction when I see a statement about a loving man, I shut down and become the ultimate pessimist? What happened to me?
My father is the best man I know. He has loved my mother unconditionally and given everything up for her. So good men do exist out there. But for me? I just don't know. I used to think everyone had a soul mate, and now I think that's a fairy tale. My life is not reliant on a man and I treasure that. I'm proud that I'm independent and strong...stronger than some men I know. But does that make me untouchable? Maybe so. So for now statements like the one my friend posted will continue to be stuff of fairy tales. Am I farther from reality, or closer to the truth and more aware than those wearing rose-colored glasses? Only time will tell.
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