Saturday, December 31, 2011

Out with the Old and In with the New

It's 11:02pm on New Year's Eve and I'm sitting cozy in my apartment with Sophie at my side. Yes, it's not the most glamorous way to celebrate the new year - no fancy dress, champagne, fireworks or kiss at midnight. But I've decided this is the perfect foray into the new year. I'm quietly stepping into 2012 with the grace of a lamb, only to steadily grow and transform throughout the coming year into something more.

I'm finally in a place that I truly feel is a home to me. And I can't wait to celebrate my first full year in Charlotte. I'm embracing my new life in the south and it's as sweet and quenching as the tea in my glass. Now that I'm settled in a place I love, I can finally work on the little things. Making friends, getting healthy, quieting the questions and contradictions - I'll be consistently bettering myself. And why? Because I can.

I look forward to taking on the new challenges that await me. I look forward to growing more familiar with a city I now gladly call home. It's time to say good-bye to 2011 and the transitions and questions. 2012 is going to be an exciting new year.

Friday, December 16, 2011

What a Difference a Year Makes

A year ago I had no idea where I was going. I was in Pennsylvania with no job, my life was in boxes, and I saw nothing ahead of me. A lot has happened in a year. I've moved back south, have a lovely job, new friends and fresh start in a wonderful city. I've clawed my way out of my shell finally and learned to embrace my life as it is.

Time has gone quickly. I moved down to Charlotte in February of this year, nervous but hopeful. I was standing at the head of a new, refreshingly unexplored path. I remember sitting with my parents this time last year and feeling I was perched at a crossroad. I knew it was time for me to make a decision on where my life was headed. Was I going to continue to sit back and watch my life pass by? Or was I going to suck it up and put myself out there again.

Well I did it. I may not always be happy with myself, and it's a struggle every day to put myself out there and meet people. But I do it. I feel I have grown exponentially this year. And it can only go up from here. I'm anticipating the coming year and hope I progress even more. This was a tough year, but worth every tear and bruise and worry. Bring it on 2012.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

How Old Am I? And Other Unanswered Questions...

This just seemed appropriate. Hell yeah.
I had the most enlightening conversation with my mother today. This is surprising considering most of our conversations end with her insulting my size, my personality, my lifestyle, my fine choice of shoes, etc. I recently disclosed to my parents that I am on an online dating site. In an interesting turn they sucked it up and only said, "Be careful." I appreciated this considering I'm 36 and it gets ridiculous when your parents think you can't take care of yourself. I have for many, many years. That being said, it started as a small comment my mother said at Thanksgiving that set the next conversation in motion. Sitting with my sister and I, she decided to explain to me that she felt I needed to meet an older man. A much older man. With grown children...This struck both my sister and I as off and we disagreed. Why? Because most men in their 40s and 50s remind me of my father, and that's just not cool. They also don't have the same likes and dislikes as me - they like Friday night high school football and I like weird sci-fi shows; they like hanging with their kids; I like not hanging with their kids. You get the idea.

And then today, two weeks after the initial conversation she brings it up again. Yes, I went out with a lovely yet eccentric college English professor the other night and had a good time. He was 33. Another of my "guy friends" is 30; another is 26. I'm enjoying my life as a singleton at the moment. And that's it.

My mother begins to expand on why she feels the way she does. "Heather, you're never going to be first in the lives of these younger men, and these men with children. You spent so many years being second to drugs and alcohol with your husband (that's for another blog post), you need to be first. And these men can't give it to you. I mean, have any of these guys not wanted to go out with you again?" "Yes, mother they have. It happens. Sometimes you don't connect, and that's it." So my mother continues, "You need to grow up. You need to understand that you're not young anymore and you need to be interested in these grown-up things. Stop trying to be younger than you really are."

Hmmm. I don't think I can do that mom. Yes, I'm 36, but I'm independent and responsible and have a great life. I do it all myself. I have a lovely life...and I do it all on my own. I don't need a man to pay my rent or car payment. If I want jewelry or flowers, I buy them. I like weird indie music and strange ethnic foods. I go on dates, and sometimes guys don't like me. But that's okay...that's life. I'm 36, but apparently a young 36. Why should I have to change for some ideal of what a man my age or older would want? I'm not going to do that. I'm unique and goofy and an acquired taste, and I love that. I love that I can sit in my cute apartment in this amazing city and know that I'm okay. Yes, I'm 36. And yes, I was treated less than stellar for a long time. It has taken me 4 years and a lot of tears to understand that it's time for me to be who I was meant to be. It's time for me to spread my tattered, healing wings and fly. It's taken me a long time to spread those wings. And I'm not going to stop now. Why can't my evolution involve younger men that are unattached to children and ex-wives, and look at me like I'm a goddess? Why not? Is it not time for me to feel like a feel like I deserve to feel?

So for now the conversation with my mom has just settled with "agree to disagree". She may never understand who her child really is. Even if she thinks she knows me, she still has a lot of questions to answer. And so do I. My life is too short to decide that it's ended before it's begun. I've waiting too long to answer those questions I've had and it's time to uncover all that I need to. Until then, who knows what will happen?